Install Distribution Point for Configuration Manager 2012
or: documentation would have been nice!
I like automating as much as possible, as you might have already learned from my other articles. My next plan was to script the installation of a site system role in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012, to be more precise, I wanted to deploy a Distribution Point. With no access to the GUI, totally scripted, with Powershell!
And here comes the problem kicking you somewhere bad ;) There’s no documentation on how to do this. The only thing around is the ConfigMgr 2012 SDK PreRelease, and even there not everything is covered.
automation with Powershell
Today I’m going to show you my script as far as I have come up until now.
What will the script do?
- create a Site System
- configure whether it’s protected or not
- create a Distribution Point on that Site System
- configure this Distribution Point with properties that I’ve found in the Site Control file (which is now inside of the Site Database)
- and fill these properties with values, that I’ve also found in the Site Control file and also guessed a lot
What are the script’s prereqs?
- installed Windows Deployment Server (WDS)
- installed IIS
- although there is this property “InstallInternetServer”, this didn’t seem to work
- maybe wrong values?
- although there is this property “InstallInternetServer”, this didn’t seem to work
Which problems am I facing?
A Distribution Point usually has a certificate on it, whether it’s self-signed or previously created and imported doesn’t matter. This is the problem! My script is unable to create a certificate.
I can’t find anything on how to create/import a certificate and bind it to a Distribution Point. For Update see below!
There has been a COM Object in ConfigMgr 2007, but this seems to have vanished. There was also a WMI method which is also gone. SMSProv.log tells me nothing, I used ProcMon and API monitors and I’m as wise as before… :-( What I did find out is, that it uses the local server’s crypto API.
Might be I’m just overlooking something, but this is driving me nuts.
After creating a Distribution Point with my script I can see it in the ConfigMgr console and inside the database’s Site Control file (without the certificate properties!)
![image] /media/2012/06/image.png “image”)
As soon as I open up it’s properties inside the console the “Apply” (german: “Übernehmen”) button is active, without me doing anything!
When I press the button, only that, nothing else, the window closes and ConfigMgr creates a self-signed certificate and assigns it to the Distribution Point, which can then be seen in the Site Control File.
I’d like the community to have a look at my script and tell me what’s wrong ;-) ~~ ~~Now, here it comes: (old, not functioning script…)
# This script installs a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Distribution Point Server Role
# date: 01.06.2012
Function global:Set-Property(
$embeddedproperty_class = [wmiclass]""
$embeddedproperty_class.psbase.Path = "\.ROOTSMSSite_S01:SMS_EmbeddedProperty"
$embeddedproperty = $embeddedproperty_class.createInstance()
$embeddedproperty.PropertyName = $PropertyName
$embeddedproperty.Value = $Value
$embeddedproperty.Value1 = $Value1
$embeddedproperty.Value2 = $Value2
$global:roleproperties += [System.Management.ManagementBaseObject]$embeddedproperty
Function global:new-DistributionPoint {
############### Create Site System ################################################
$global:roleproperties = @()
$global:properties =@()
# connect to SMS Provider for Site
$role_class = [wmiclass]""
$role_class.psbase.Path ="\.ROOTSMSSite_S01:SMS_SCI_SysResUse"
$script:role = $role_class.createInstance()
#create the SMS Site Server
$role.NALPath = "[`"Display=\$server`"]MSWNET:[`"SMS_SITE=$sitename`"]\$server"
$role.NALType = "Windows NT Server"
$role.RoleName = "SMS SITE SYSTEM"
$role.SiteCode = "S01"
#filling in properties
$IsProtected = @("IsProtected",1,"","") # 0 to disable fallback to this site system, 1 to enable
set-property $IsProtected[0] $IsProtected[1] $IsProtected[2] $IsProtected[3]
$role.Props = $roleproperties
################ Deploy New Distribution Point #####################################
$role = ""
$global:properties = @()
$global:roleproperties = @()
# connect to SMS Provider for Site
$role_class = [wmiclass]""
$role_class.psbase.Path = "\.ROOTSMSSite_S01:SMS_SCI_SysResUse"
$role = $role_class.createInstance()
#create the SMS Distribution Point Role
$role.NALPath = "[`"Display=\$server`"]MSWNET:[`"SMS_SITE=$sitename`"]\$server"
$role.NALType = "Windows NT Server"
$role.SiteCode = "S01"
# filling in the properties
$ServerRemoteName = ,@("Server Remote Name","","","$server") #FQDN of server
$BITS = ,@("BITS download",1,"","") # is BITS going to be enabled
$SslState = ,@("SslState",0,"","") # HTTP (0) or HTTPS (63) connections?
$IsMulticast = ,@("IsMulticast",0,"","") # is Multicast enabled? if 1, then also the SMS Multicast Role has to be configured
$UseMachineAccount = ,@("UseMachineAccount",0,"","") # in case of multicast, use machine account to connect to database
$IsPXE = ,@("IsPXE",1,"","") # is PXE going to be enabled?
#$PXEPassword = ,@("PXEPassword","0","","") # no idea how to put an encrypted string in there
$SupportUnknownMachines = ,@("SupportUnknownMachine",0,"","") # PXE unknown computer support enabled?
$IsAnonymousEnabled = ,@("IsAnonymousEnabled",0,"","") # are clients allowed to make anonymous connections? only for HTTP
$AllowInternetClients = ,@("AllowInternetClients",0,"","") # self explaining
$IsActive = ,@("IsActive",1,"","") # is PXE active? requires it to be enabled!
$InstallInternetServer = ,@("InstallInternetServer",1,"","") # shall IIS be installed & configured?
$RemoveWDS = ,@("RemoveWDS",0,"","")
$UDASetting = ,@("UDASetting",0,"","") # User Device Affinity enabled?
$MinFreeSpace = ,@("MinFreeSpace",444,"","") # minimum free space on DP
PreStagingAllowed = ,@("PreStagingAllowed",0,"","") # DP enabled for PreStaging of files?
$ResponseDelay = ,@("ResponseDelay",5,"","") # how many seconds shall PXE wait until answering, between 0 and 32 seconds
$DPShareDrive = ,@("DPShareDrive","","","") # where does the DP Share reside (primary and secondary), e.g "C:,D:"
$DPDrive = ,@("DPDrive","","","") # which is the DP content library drive
#$global:properties = @()
$properties = $ServerRemoteName + $DPDrive + $DPShareDrive + $ResponseDelay + $BITS + $UseMachineAccount + $IsPXE + $IsAnonymousEnabled + $IsActive + $InstallInternetServer + $IsMulticast + $SslState + $RemoveWDS + $SupportUnknownMachines + $AllowInternetClients + $MinFreeSpace + $PreStagingAllowed + $UDASetting# + $PXEPassword
#$global:roleproperties = @()
foreach ($property in $properties)
$PropertyName = $property[0]
$Value = $property[1]
$Value1 = $property[2]
$Value2 = $property[3]
Set-Property $PropertyName $Value $Value1 $Value2 $roleproperties
$role.Props = $roleproperties
$script:sitename = "S01"
$script:server = "" #FQDN of server, which is going to be installed as a new server role
new-distributionpoint $server
Where am I going wrong? Already asked that on Twitter (@david_obrien) and Linkedin!
[UPDATE] Certificate gets created!!!
A clever Microsoft employee gave me a real good hint to use a dll, which comes with the ConfigMgr 2007 SDK, the tsmediaapi.dll.
This .dll needs to be registered on the ConfigMgr server you run it on in a x86 environment (%windir%syswow64cmd.exe regsvr32.exe tsmediaapi.dll)
The whole powershell script then needs to be executed from a x86 powershell to use this API.
Here’s the working script:
This script installs a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Distribution Point Server Role
# date: 01.06.2012
Function global:Set-Property($PropertyName,$Value,$Value1,$Value2,$roleproperties)
$embeddedproperty_class = [wmiclass]""
$embeddedproperty_class.psbase.Path = "\.ROOTSMSSite_S01:SMS_EmbeddedProperty"
$embeddedproperty = $embeddedproperty_class.createInstance()
$embeddedproperty.PropertyName = $PropertyName
$embeddedproperty.Value = $Value
$embeddedproperty.Value1 = $Value1
$embeddedproperty.Value2 = $Value2
$global:roleproperties += [System.Management.ManagementBaseObject]$embeddedproperty
Function global:new-DistributionPoint {
############### Create Site System ################################################
$global:roleproperties = @()
$global:properties =@()
# connect to SMS Provider for Site
$role_class = [wmiclass]""
$role_class.psbase.Path ="\.ROOTSMSSite_S01:SMS_SCI_SysResUse"
$script:role = $role_class.createInstance()
#create the SMS Site Server
$role.NALPath = "[`"Display=\$server`"]MSWNET:[`"SMS_SITE=$sitename`"]\$server"
$role.NALType = "Windows NT Server"
$role.RoleName = "SMS SITE SYSTEM"
$role.SiteCode = "S01"
#filling in properties
$IsProtected = @("IsProtected",1,"","") # 0 to disable fallback to this site system, 1 to enable
set-property $IsProtected[0] $IsProtected[1] $IsProtected[2] $IsProtected[3]
$role.Props = $roleproperties
################ Deploy New Distribution Point #####################################
$role = ""
$global:properties = @()
$global:roleproperties = @()
# connect to SMS Provider for Site
$role_class = [wmiclass]""
$role_class.psbase.Path = "\.\ROOT\SMS\Site_S01:SMS_SCI_SysResUse"
$role = $role_class.createInstance()
#create the SMS Distribution Point Role
$role.NALPath = "[`"Display=\$server`"]MSWNET:[`"SMS_SITE=$sitename`"]\$server"
$role.NALType = "Windows NT Server"
$role.SiteCode = "S01"
# Certificate creation
$pxeauth = new-object -comobject Microsoft.ConfigMgr.PXEAuth
if (!$pxeauth -is [Object]) {
"PXEAuth Object OK"
$strSubject = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().toString() # toString('B')
$strSMSID = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().toString() # toString('B')
$StartTime = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
$EndTime = $StartTime.AddYears(5)
$TargetPXEServerFQDN = $server
$ident = $pxeauth.CreateIdentity($strSubject, $strSubject, $strSMSID, $StartTime, $EndTime)
"Subject: " + $strSubject
"SMSID: " + $strSMSID
# Certificate registration
$siteclass = [wmiclass]("\.rootsmssite_$sitename" + ":SMS_Site")
$intResult = $siteclass.SubmitRegistrationRecord($strSMSID, $ident[1], $ident[0], 2, $server)
if ($intResult.StatusCode -eq 0) {
"Certificate Registration OK"
} else {
("Certificate Registration failed, error: " + $intResult)
# filling in the properties
$ServerRemoteName = ,@("Server Remote Name",0,"$server","") #FQDN of server
$BITS = ,@("BITS download",1,"","") # is BITS going to be enabled
$SslState = ,@("SslState",0,"","") # HTTP (0) or HTTPS (63) connections?
$IsMulticast = ,@("IsMulticast",0,"","") # is Multicast enabled? if 1, then also the SMS Multicast Role has to be configured
$UseMachineAccount = ,@("UseMachineAccount",0,"","") # in case of multicast, use machine account to connect to database
$IsPXE = ,@("IsPXE",1,"","") # is PXE going to be enabled?
#$PXEPassword = ,@("PXEPassword","0","","") # no idea how to put an encrypted string in there
$SupportUnknownMachines = ,@("SupportUnknownMachine",0,"","") # PXE unknown computer support enabled?
$IsAnonymousEnabled = ,@("IsAnonymousEnabled",0,"","") # are clients allowed to make anonymous connections? only for HTTP
$AllowInternetClients = ,@("AllowInternetClients",0,"","") # self explaining
$IsActive = ,@("IsActive",1,"","") # is PXE active? requires it to be enabled!
$InstallInternetServer = ,@("InstallInternetServer",1,"","") # shall IIS be installed & configured?
$RemoveWDS = ,@("RemoveWDS",0,"","")
$UDASetting = ,@("UDASetting",0,"","") # User Device Affinity enabled?
$MinFreeSpace = ,@("MinFreeSpace",444,"","") # minimum free space on DP
$PreStagingAllowed = ,@("PreStagingAllowed",0,"","") # DP enabled for PreStaging of files?
$ResponseDelay = ,@("ResponseDelay",5,"","") # how many seconds shall PXE wait until answering, between 0 and 32 seconds
$DPShareDrive = ,@("DPShareDrive","","","") # where does the DP Share reside (primary and secondary), e.g "C:,D:"
$DPDrive = ,@("DPDrive","","","") # which is the DP content library drive
$CertificateType = ,@("CertificateType",0,"","")
$CertificateExpiration = ,@("CertificateExpirationDate",0,([String]$EndTime.ToFileTime()),"")
$CertificateFile = ,@("CertificateFile",0,"","")
$PXECertGUID = ,@("PXECertGUID",0,$strSMSID,"")
#$global:properties = @()
$properties = $CertificateType + $CertificateExpiration + $CertificateFile + $PXECertGUID + $ServerRemoteName + $DPDrive + $DPShareDrive + $ResponseDelay + $BITS + $UseMachineAccount + $IsPXE + $IsAnonymousEnabled + $IsActive + $InstallInternetServer + $IsMulticast + $SslState + $RemoveWDS + $SupportUnknownMachines + $AllowInternetClients + $MinFreeSpace + $PreStagingAllowed + $UDASetting# + $PXEPassword
#$global:roleproperties = @()
foreach ($property in $properties)
$PropertyName = $property[0]
$Value = $property[1]
$Value1 = $property[2]
$Value2 = $property[3]
Set-Property $PropertyName $Value $Value1 $Value2 $roleproperties
$role.Props = $roleproperties
$script:sitename = "S01"
$script:server = "" #FQDN of server, which is going to be installed as a new server role
new-distributionpoint $server
Looking forward to your feedback via comments, tweets or mail!
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