Enable Deduplication with Powershell for ConfigMgr exclusions
Microsoft just released the following blog post on the support of Data Deduplication on Windows Server 2012 R2 in combination with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager.
Then Johan (@Jarwidmark) published his post on how to actually configure deduplication and a small summary on the support statement:
Enable Data Deduplication for ConfigMgr with Powershell
If you don’t want to enable it all manually, then just use this code snippet inside an administrative Powershell.
Just change line 6 and enter the Volume you like to enable Deduplication on and do the same in line 9.
In line 9 you should also add any exclusions you want. Like Johan and the MS article stated, don’t enable dedup for your Content Source!
#Install the feature
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Data-Deduplication
#Enable on volume
Enable-DedupVolume D:
# Set exclusions
Set-DedupVolume –Volume D: -ExcludeFolder 'D:\ContentSource'
Have fun saving space!
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